The Wallenberg Centres for Molecular Medicine
The Wallenberg Centres for Molecular Medicine are key elements in a national effort to reposition Sweden as a world-leading life science nation. The initiative was taken by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, and is a joint venture with the Universities and University Hospitals of Gothenburg, Lund, Umeå and Linköping. Together with SciLifeLab, a national resource of unique technologies and expertise available to life scientists, we bring scientists together across traditional boundaries and foster collaborations with industry and health care.
Young scientists of outstanding potential
Through repeated calls with tenure track research positions – Wallenberg Molecular Medicine Fellows are recruited with a special focus on translational research.
The fellows are internationally recruited young scientists of outstanding potential, and funded at a globally competitive level through generous starting packages with the possibility of promotion to Senior Lecturer within four years.
Ground-breaking research improving human health
Each of these research groups will synergize with pre-existing excellent research environments as well as strong clinical collaborators, promoting ground-breaking research in molecular and translational medicine. Together, we will rise to future challenges within molecular life science in order to improve human health.
Find out more about ongoing recruitments and projects at each center’s website.
The Scope of each centre
Linköping University
With a medicine-technology interface and extending from a biomedical engineering profile, onwards to basic biomedical and clinical research. Read more about our research groups at our website.
University of Gothenburg
The scope of the Centre in Gothenburg is molecular medicine aspects of metabolic and degenerative diseases, neuroscience, inflammation, cancer and life science chemistry. Read more about our research groups and open calls on our website.
Umeå University
The Centre in Umeå focuses on molecular medicine research on cancer, metabolic diseases including diabetes, neuroscience and infection biology. Read more about our research groups on our website.
Lund University
The scope of the Centre in Lund is within the area Regenerative Medicine (Regeneration, Replacement, and Repair). Read more about our research groups on our website.